Ours is a story of one company’s passion for AI voice technology, its love of restaurants,
and combining the two to build a human-like conversational AI solution that automates order taking.
Like any good story, ours has a villain. Noise from idling engines, revving motors, and open windows interfered with existing voice recognition applications. We built a team of professors, Google voice experts, and automotive noise-reducing
veterans who were leaders in speech recognition and natural language understanding
to tackle the two biggest challenges we faced at the drive-thru — natural
conversations between people and machines, and crystal-clear voice recognition
accuracy even in a drive-thru lane surrounded by idling engines. The result is Hi Auto, a conversational AI system that uses natural language processing
and accurate voice recognition. We paved the way for restaurants to improve business
operations by optimizing order taking, enabling them to capture orders accurately,
increase upsells, shorten wait times, and reduce labor costs, making Hi Auto’s voice
technology the employee of the month.